About ecoprog
Since its foundation in 2005 as a private limited company, ecoprog has been independent, owner-managed and has worked on more than 150 projects in the past years. During this time, ecoprog has experienced continuous and stable growth and now works with around 15 employees at the Cologne location.
In addition to our own resources, we work with cooperation partners in a contractually secured network that covers the world's most important markets in environmental and energy technology and serves them locally with technically experienced consultants. This globalisation of our own knowledge follows the internationalisation of our clients.
ecoprog is a company based in Germany and is also committed internally to enforcing those fundamental rights that are laid down in particular in the German constitution. These include human dignity and the prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of gender, origin, language, faith, sexual identity, religious or political views or disability.
ecoprog already uses renewable energies in its offices and aims for complete climate neutrality by the end of 2023.