
Extract 2008 to 2023


Model-based analysis and forecast of long-term volume, capacity and price developments on the thermal waste treatment market in Germany
Client: Municipal infrastructure operator
Analysis of the market for thermal waste treatment in Germany. Updating of an existing forecast model. Evaluation of individual market factors, such as legal regulations or the development of imports. Quantification of these influences within the framework of two different scenarios. Estimation of quantities for thermal utilisation, available capacities and price development until 2040. Forecast of changed costs and revenues of operation, for example as a result of CO2 taxation, carbon capture and storage (CCS) or carbon capture and utilisation (CCU).


Trend Study Photovoltaic Recycling
Client: Multi-client
Analysis of the evolving global market for the recycling of solar modules. Examination of available technologies and relevant market factors. Survey of 120 active PV recycling plants and projects worldwide. Market forecast and competition analyses based on these data.


The Market for Chemical Recycling
Client: Multi-client
Analysis of the evolving global market for the chemical recycling of plastics. Examination of available technologies and relevant market factors. Survey of active plants and more than 120 projects worldwide. Market forecast and competition analyses based on these data.


Sewage sludge monitoring
Client: Municipal infrastructure operator
Monitoring of the German market for the disposal of municipal sewage sludge with a focus on different target regions. Monthly evaluation of European tenders (open procedures) for sewage sludge disposal in Germany, including disposal prices, contract quantities and winners of the tenders. Research on municipal cooperations and projects for mono-incineration of sewage sludge.


Trend Study Lithium Battery Recycling
Client: Multi-client
Analysis of the evolving global market for the recycling of batteries with a focus on different types of lithium batteries. Examination of available technologies and relevant market factors. Survey of more than 200 active plants and projects worldwide. Market forecast and competition analyses based on these data.


Municipal sewage sludge disposal 2035
Client: Multi-client
Analysis and forecast of the market for sewage sludge disposal in Germany. Evaluation of current volume flows and disposal channels. Detailed analysis of all significant political, economic, operational and technical trends in the disposal of municipal sewage sludge in Germany. Forecast of volume flows and disposal prices to be expected according to a transparent methodology within the scope of three scenarios until 2035. Survey and analysis of mono- and co-incinerators as well as evaluation of more than 50 projects for new mono-incineration plants. 


Biomethane in Europe
Client: Multi-client
Analysis of the European biomethane market. Description of biogas production and processing technologies as well as gas infrastructure, analysis of the most important market factors for the future development of biomethane production as well as evaluation of 12 of the most important biomethane markets at country level. Presentation and analysis of more than 800 existing biomethane plants and about 500 projects; analysis of the most important competitors at the level of technology providers and operators/project managers.


Analysis of the German biogas market
Client: Business development agency
Analysis of the German biogas market with regard to, amongst others, plant asset and structure, future market development as well as competition among operators and plant constructors. SWOT analysis and market access strategies for competitors from a European neighbouring country.


Location analysis for biowaste fermentation in South-West Germany
Client: Disposal company 
Site-related forecast and analysis of the emergence of organic goods at district level in a defined target region in Southwestern Germany. Examination of tender periods, existing planning processes and competition analysis in the area. Analysis of the current and future disposal channels at the level of individual disposal areas. Collecting of current prices for the regional treatment of biowaste.


Analysis and evaluation of the current market for plastics recyclates
Client: Disposal company
Estimation of production volumes, demand for recyclates, analysis of the market for plastics recyclates, and identification of market factors. Discussion of the results with the customer at a joint workshop.


Market study on woody biomass for potential biomass pyrolysis projects
Client: Disposal company
Evaluation of selected woody waste types in defined target regions with regard to their eligibility for the production of vegetable carbon, which, by means of subterranean storage, as a carbon sink, is able to absorb carbon dioxide over the long term and thus have a climate-positive effect on the company’s balance sheet. Identification of target volumes, their current disposal as well as amounts of the current disposal fees.


Check study on base prices and duration of price pressure in the market for thermal waste treatment in Germany
Client: municipal infrastructure operator
Elaboration of short-term assumptions concerning the downward trend of gate fees in the market for thermal waste treatment in Germany. Assessment of the duration of price decline as well as definition of possible base prices, amongst others, against the backdrop of historic market price considerations, up-to-date economic forecasts, changes in energy prices and possible increase of waste imports.


Model-based analysis and forecast concerning long-term developments of volumes, capacities and prices in the market for thermal waste treatment in Germany
Client: municipal infrastructure operator
Analysis of the market for thermal waste treatment in Germany. Updating of an existing forecast model. Evaluation of individual market factors such as legal regulations or import development. Quantification of these influences within the framework of two different scenarios. Estimation of thermal treatment volumes, available capacities and price development until 2040. Forecast of changes in companies’ costs and revenues as a consequence of, for instance, carbon dioxide taxation, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) or Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU).


Biomass to Power 2022/2023
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the global plant and operator market for biomass power plants. Presentation of more than 4,600 plants including technical characteristics. Evaluation of more than 700 plants, planned financed or under construction. Description of the national energy legislation, market factors, plants and projects, plus assessment of the current and future market volumes until 2031 on the level of the 50 most important national markets as well as worldwide.


Waste to Energy 2022/2023
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the global plant and operator market for thermal waste treatment plants. Presentation of the inventory of about 2,600 plants worldwide including technical characteristics. Evaluation of more than 1,100 plants, planned, financed or under construction. Description of the national environmental legislation, market factors, plants and projects, as well as assessment of the current and future market volumes until 2031 on the level of the 50 most important national markets as well as worldwide.


Potentials of grinding and size-reduction technologies in the waste management industry
Client: industry
Analysis of the waste market with regard to possible growth opportunities in the realm of abrasive and size-reduction technologies. Subdivision of the waste market into different segments, based on, for example, origin, material characteristics and volumes. Selection of partial segments with strong growth potential. Analysis of these segments regarding, for instance, market size, state of the art, and competition. Discussion of the results with customers, issuing recommendations for action.


Site-specific market analysis of sewage sludge disposal in East Germany
Client: disposal company
Analysis of volumes, market conditions and competition in the vicinity of a site in East Germany. Examination of volume planning and long-term prospects of projects for the mono-incineration of sewage sludge. Calculation of potentials for possible sewage sludge volumes based on an updated forecast model on the emergence and disposal of municipal sewage sludge in Germany.


Market study on biowaste AD in Europe
Client: multi-client
Detailed analysis of all crucial political, economic, operational and technical trends related to the construction and operation of biowaste AD plants, overview of cost and revenue structures, country-specific assessment of additional biowaste AD plant capacities in the municipal market until and including 2030, competition analysis on the level of operators and technology providers/EPC contractors in the European biowaste AD market, presentation of more than 950 active biowaste AD plants, as well as including a project list with more than 250 new-build projects.


Sewage sludge monitoring
Client: municipal infrastructure operator
Elicitation of the German market for municipal sewage sludge disposal, focused on different target regions. Monthly review of European tenders (open procedures) for sewage sludge disposal in Germany, including disposal fees, contracted amounts and the winners of tenders. Research on municipal sewage sludge mono-incineration cooperations and projects.


Workshops on Waste to Energy and Biomass to Energy markets
Client: industry
Preparation of a workshop for the international sales department of one of the world’s leading companies in the field of flue gas cleaning. The discussion focuses on an overview of basic technologies in the market as well as their advantages, disadvantages and dissemination. Further topics in this context are the following: market factors in Europe and throughout the world, the global plant inventory, market development and outlook in the form of specific forecasts concerning newly constructed plants as well as the adaption of legislation and standards for flue gas cleaning.


The market for chemical recycling
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the evolving global market for the chemical recycling of plastics. Examination of available technologies and relevant market factors. Survey of active plants and more than 60 projects worldwide. Market forecast and competition analyses based on these data.


Waste to Energy 2021/2022
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the global plant and operator market for thermal waste treatment plants. Presentation of the inventory of about 2,400 plants worldwide including technical characteristics. Evaluation of more than 1,000 plants, planned, financed or under construction. Description of the national environmental legislation, market factors, plants and projects, as well as assessment of the current and future market volumes until 2030 on the level of the 54 most important national markets as well as worldwide.


Biomass to Power 2021/2022
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the global plant and operator market for biomass power plants. Presentation of more than 4,500 plants including technical characteristics. Evaluation of more than 1,000 plants, planned financed or under construction. Description of the national energy legislation, market factors, plants and projects, plus assessment of the current and future market volumes until 2030 on the level of the 52 most important national markets as well as worldwide.


Forecast of volumes, treatment capacities and prices in the market for thermal waste treatment in Germany until 2050
Client: municipal infrastructure operator
Analysis of the market for thermal waste treatment in Germany. Updating of an existing forecast model. Evaluation of individual market factors, for instance legal regulations or import development. Quantification of these influences in the context of two different scenarios. Assessment of volumes for thermal treatment, capacities available and price development until 2050. Forecast of changed costs and revenues for the company, for example as a consequence of carbon dioxide taxation, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) or Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU).


Price investigation in the market for thermal waste treatment in Germany
Client: investor, development in collaboration with consulting company
Analysis of price development in the market for thermal waste treatment in Germany. Assessment of the predictability of market and price development at a specific date in the past against the backdrop of the legal evaluation of due-diligence documents.


Strategy consulting market entry O&M market
Client: technology provider
Analysis of the markets for different power plant types, for instance waste-to-energy, gas or sewage sludge. Forecast of future market volume. Survey of the current share of Operation & Maintenance (O&M) projects. Analysis of significant market factors and assessment of future market activity. Competition analysis including identification of potential targets.


Site-specific market analysis of sewage sludge disposal in South Germany
Client: disposal company
Analysis of volumes, market conditions and competition in the vicinity of a site in South Germany. Examination of volume planning and long-term prospects of projects for the mono-incineration of sewage sludge. Calculation of potentials for possible sewage sludge volumes based on an updated forecast model on the emergence and disposal of municipal sewage sludge in Germany.


Volume and competition analysis plus price forecast in the market for thermal waste treatment in Austria
Client: waste infrastructure operator
Analysis of the market for thermal waste treatment in Austria. Investigation of volume development for different waste sections, survey of waste infrastructure, as well as identification and evaluation of market factors. Model generation including assessment of volumes for thermal treatment, capacities available, and indexed price development until 2050 in different scenarios (Low, Base, Top). Coordination with the client’s existing energy price scenarios.


Plastics recycling in Europe
Client: multi-client
Detailed analysis of the European market for plastics recycling, including all the important economic, operational and technical trends. Description and analysis of more than 1,200 sorting plants and more than 1,000 plastics recycling plants (by site), including significant key data on operators, input, output and capacities (wherever possible). Evaluation of these data regarding capacities and competitors' market shares in sorting and recycling, as well as analysis of the legislation and market factors on the level of 30 European countries. Background information on the development of chemical recycling in Europe, including an overview of more than 30 known projects in this segment.

Forecast of quantities, treatment capacities and prices on the market for thermal waste treatment in Germany until 2033
Client: municipal infrastructure operator
Analysis of the market for thermal waste treatment in Germany. Update of an existing forecast model. Evaluation of individual market factors, e.g. legal regulations or import growth. Quantification of these influences within the scope of three different scenarios (low, base, top). Assessment of thermal treatment quantities, existing capacities and price development until 2032. Separate analysis of the waste wood market based on an independent forecast model.


Analysis of material flows suitable for bio carbonization
Client: technology providers
Analysis of European biomass material flows sourced from wastes and residual material with regard to their potential use as input material for carbonization aimed at the production of alternative fuels for combustion in coal-fired power plants. Key criteria of the analysis were, amongst others, arising quantities, treatment prices, current usage and competition, with the focus being placed on Germany, while adjacent markets were considered and derived on the basis of selected reference values.


Municipal sewage sludge disposal 2035
Client: multi-client
Analysis and forecast of the market for sewage sludge disposal in Germany. Evaluation of current volume flows and disposal channels on a national level as well as based on 12 defined market regions. Detailed analysis of all significant political, economic, operational and technical trends in the disposal of municipal sewage sludge in Germany. Forecast of volume flows and disposal prices to be expected according to a transparent methodology within the scope of three scenarios until 2035 based on the total market as well as the 12 sub-regions. Survey and analysis of mono- and co-incinerators as well as evaluation of more than 40 projects for new mono-incineration plants.


Monitoring of a WtE project in Poland
Client: municipal infrastructure operator
Initial assessment of a property for the construction of a municipal waste incineration plant in the region of Silesia. Compilation of documents, negotiations with a potential investor, site visit together with the property owner and a potential investor.


Development of an information portal for the waste management industry in India
Client: multi-client
Classification of the Indian waste market, design of the website in cooperation with local editorial staff and IT service provider, professional backup for editors, monitoring of selected specialist topics and interviews.


Site-specific market survey on sewage sludge disposal in East Germany
Client: disposal company
Analysis of quantities, market conditions and competition in the vicinity of a site located in East Germany. Examination of volume planning and long-term prospects of success for sewage sludge mono incineration projects. Calculation of potentials for possible sewage sludge quantities in the case of implementation of the sewage sludge regulation (AbfKlärV) in different scenarios.


Sewage sludge monitoring, extended duration
Client: municipal infrastructure operator
Extended elicitation of the German market for municipal sewage sludge disposal, focused on different target regions. Monthly review of European tenders (open procedures) for sewage sludge disposal in Germany, including disposal fees, contracted amounts and the winners of tenders. Research on municipal sewage sludge mono-incineration cooperations and projects.


Market survey on thermal waste treatment in Austria
Client: waste infrastructure operator
Analysis of the thermal waste treatment market in Austria. Assessment of waste volumes with regard to their origin and type of disposal. Survey on the plant infrastructure in the fields of residual waste treatment and thermal waste recycling, including derivation of all results on federal-state level.


Market survey on the market for thermal waste treatment in south-west Germany
Client: municipal infrastructure operator
Competition inquiry in thermal waste treatment focused on residual waste treatment. Survey on competitors, existing contracts, treatment plants and contractual periods.


Site-specific market survey on sewage sludge disposal in south-west Germany
Client: disposal company
Analysis of market conditions, examination of turnover planning and long-term prospects for a sewage sludge mono-incineration project in the target region of south-west Germany. Calculation of potentials for possible sewage sludge volumes after implementation of the sewage sludge regulation (AbfKlärV) and the fertilizer ordinance (DümV) in different scenarios.


The market for municipal waste management in Poland
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the market for waste disposal in Poland, including numbers, facts, evaluations and trends of the Polish waste management industry. Precise examination of the structure, legal framework, level of development and investment needs of the Polish waste industry. Survey on waste quantities, infrastructure, investment projects and players on national-state level as well as based on the 16 voivodeships.


Biomass to Power 2020/2021
Client: multi-client
Specific data on more than 4,400 units in almost 4,200 biomass power plants, description and evaluation of more than 1,000 projects worldwide, including information on the developer, current project status, expected commissioning and fuel type, a worldwide market development forecast 2020-2029 by country, including assessment of new constructions, shutdowns and investment volumes based on 770 cost examples.


Waste to Energy 2020/2021
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the plant and operator market for thermal waste treatment plants around the world. Description of about 2,500 plants worldwide, including technical data and contact addresses. Evaluation of facilities, that are planned, financed or under construction. Assessment of the current and future market volume based on the environmental legislation up until 2029.


Plastics recycling in Europe
Client: multi-client
Detailed analysis of all the important political, economic, operational and technical trends in European plastics recycling. Description and analysis of more than 1,200 sorting plants and more than 1,000 plastics recycling plants (by site), including significant key data on operators, input and capacities (wherever possible); detailed assessment of this data as well as an analysis of the legislation and the market factors at country level (30 European countries). This also includes capacities and market shares of sorting and recycling by country.


Biomass-to-Energy Monitor
Client: multi-client
Biweekly summary of the news on the global market for the conversion of solid biomass into electricity. Evaluation of current data and project-related information from print media and online news portals in different languages. Well-structured and clear presentation of the summarized short messages in English language.


Municipal Sewage Sludge Disposal 2035
Client: multi-client
Analysis and prognosis of the German market for sewage sludge disposal. Description of more than 530 waste water treatment plants, including specifications and contact details. Detailed analysis of all the essential political, economical, operational and technical trends in the field of municipal sewage sludge disposal in Germany.


Biomass to Power 2019/2020
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the worldwide plant and operator market for biomass power plants. Description of more than 3,900 power plant units in more than 3,650 facilities, including technical data. Evaluation of more than 950 plants being planned, financed or under construction. Assessment of the current and future market volumes, based on the energy legislation and the market share of operators and plant manufacturers. Presentation of economic, managerial and technical trends and assessment of the market volume by country until 2028.


Waste to Energy 2019/2020
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the plant and operator market for thermal waste treatment plants around the world. Description of more than 2,430 plants worldwide, including technical data and contact addresses. Evaluation of facilities, that are planned, financed or under construction. Assessment of the current and future market volume based on the environmental legislation up until 2028.


The Market for Municipal Waste Management in Poland
Client: multi-client
Detailed analysis of the structure, legal framework, level of development and investment needs of the Polish waste management system. Particularised information on more than 2,100 plants and treatment units for MSW disposal. Information on more than 270 planned treatment units and more than 360 envisaged modernisation projects at existing waste infrastructure plants; detailed analysis of this data at voivodeship level, e.g. in the form of more than 80 tables describing the planned investments by segment and 80 regional maps depicting plant locations.

Forecast of amounts, processing capacities and prices in the market for thermal waste treatment in Germany until 2032
Client: waste infrastructure operator
Analysis of the market for thermal waste treatment in Germany. Update of an existing forecast model. Evaluation of individual market factors as, for instance, legal regulations or import growth. Quantification of these influences against the background of three different scenarios (low, base, top). Assessment of thermal-treatment amounts, capacities available as well as price development until 2032. Separate analysis of the market for waste wood based on an independent forecast model.


The European Market for Waste Paper Sorting
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the European market for waste paper sorting in Europe. Collection of information on more than 2,000 sorting plants that are sorting waste paper and cardboard, including technical data and contact adresses. Valid estimation of the future market development by country, based on a transparent methodology.


Location analysis for biowaste fermentation in South-West Germany
Client: disposal company
Site-specific analysis of production and forecast of biowaste amounts at district level in a defined target region in South-West Germany against the background of an existing biowaste fermentation plant being sold. Examination of tendering periods, ongoing plans and competitor analysis in the region. Analysis of current and future disposal channels at the level of individual disposal areas. Collection of current prices for the regional treatment of biowaste. Calculation of possible acquisitions.


Analysis of and strategy consulting on the anaerobic digestion of biowaste in North Germany
Client: disposal company
Analysis of current state of separate biowaste collection and biowaste amounts in 4 federal states, at level of administrative districts. Calculating the potential of possible biowaste amounts if mandatory separate collection was implemented, in different scenarios. Analysis of tendering periods, ongoing plans and competitive situation. Selection of appropriate sites and potential cooperation partners (at level of administrative districts) eligible for a biowaste AD project.


Biomass to Power 2018/2019
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the worldwide plant and operator market for biomass power plants. Description of more than 3,700 power plant units in more than 3,400 facilities, including technical data. Evaluation of more than 1,000 plants being planned, financed or under construction. Assessment of the current and future market volumes, based on the energy legislation and the market share of operators and plant manufacturers. Presentation of economic, managerial and technical trends and assessment of the market volume by country until 2027.


Site-specific market analysis for sewage sludge disposal in West Germany
Client: disposal company
Analysis of market environment, review of turnover planning and long-term chances of success for a sewage sludge mono-incineration project at targeted sites in West Germany. Calculation of potential sewage sludge amounts after implementation of sewage sludge ordinance (AbfKlärV) and fertiliser ordinance (DümV) in different scenarios.


Site-specific market analysis for sewage sludge disposal in North-West Germany
Client: disposal company
Analysis of market environment, review of turnover planning and long-term chances of success for a sewage sludge mono-incineration project at targeted sites in North-West Germany. Calculation of potential sewage sludge amounts after implementation of sewage sludge ordinance (AbfKlärV) and fertiliser ordinance (DümV) in different scenarios.


Site-specific market analysis for sewage sludge disposal in North Germany
Client: disposal company
Analysis of market environment, review of turnover planning and long-term chances of success for a sewage sludge mono-incineration project in North Germany. Calculation of potential sewage sludge amounts after implementation of sewage sludge ordinance (AbfKlärV) and fertiliser ordinance (DümV) in different scenarios.


Sewage sludge monitoring, extended duration
Client: finance company/municipal infrastructure operator
Monthly evaluation of European tenders (open procedures) for sewage sludge disposal in Germany. Summary of tendered disposal contracts, including disposal fees, contracted amounts and the winner of tenders for a selected target area in Germany.


Sewage sludge monitoring
Client: finance company/municipal infrastructure operator
Elicitation of current sewage sludge disposal situation in a selected region in South-West Germany through the evaluation of tendering portals and interviews with wastewater treatment plant operators. Subsequent monthly update according to the review of European tenders (open procedures) for sewage sludge disposal in Germany. Summary of tendered disposal contracts, including disposal fees, contracted amounts and the winner of tenders for the selected region in South-West Germany.


Site-specific market analysis of biowaste in selected target areas
Site-specific analysis of production and forecast of biowaste amounts. Competitive analysis in the region. Evaluation of current and future ways of disposal, by individual disposal areas. Collection of current prices for the regional treatment of biowaste. Calculation of possible acquisitions.


Site-specific market analysis of biowaste in selected target areas
Site-specific analysis of production and forecast of biowaste amounts. Competitive analysis in the region. Evaluation of current and future ways of disposal, by individual disposal areas. Collection of current prices for the regional treatment of biowaste. Calculation of possible acquisitions.


Waste to Energy 2018/2019
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the plant and operator market for thermal waste treatment plants around the world. Description of more than 2,400 plants worldwide, including technical data and contact addresses. Evaluation of facilities, that are planned, financed or under construction. Assessment of the current and future market volume based on the environmental legislation up until 2027.

Strategy consulting global WtE market
Client: industry
Analysis of the global WtE market, in terms of (amongst others) market factors, growth regions and a global growth forecast by 2025. Development of Business Cases for market entry.


Forecast of amounts, treatment capacities and prices on the German market for thermal waste treatment by 2032
Client: waste infrastructure operator
Analysis of the German market for thermal waste treatment. Update of an already existing forecast model. Evaluation of individual market factors, e.g. legal regulations or development of imports. Quantification of these factors in 3 different scenarios (Low, Base, Top). Assessment of amounts for thermal recovery, available capacities and development of prices by 2032.


Biomass to Power 2017/2018
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the worldwide plant and operator market for biomass power plants. Description of over 3,510 power plant units in more than 3,200 facilities, including technical data. Evaluation of over 1,020 plants being planned, financed or under construction. Assessment of the current and future market volumes, based on the energy legislation and the market shares of operators and plant manufacturers. Presentation of economic, managerial and technical trends and assessment of the market volume by country by 2026.


Analysis of the market for small and medium-sized biomass CHP plants in Europe
Client: industry
Analysis of the market drivers for biomass CHP plants in European key markets including the assessment of biomass potentials and support schemes for renewable heat and power. Country-specific assessment of the current and future market volume until 2026. Competitor analysis and recommendations for strategic options in the European market for biomass CHP plants.


Update of quantitative model for sewage sludge disposal in Germany
Client: finance company/municipal infrastructure operator
Update of the already existing quantitative model for sewage sludge disposal in order to review turnover planning and long-term chances of success for a sewage sluge mono-incineration project. Update of the forecasts after implementation of the amended sewage sludge ordinance (AbfKlärV), fertiliser ordinance (DümV) and the fertilisation ordinance (DüV) in different scenarios.


Site-specific market analysis for sewage sludge disposal in East Germany
Client: finance company/municipal infrastructure operator
Analysis of market environment, review of turnover planning and long-term chances of success for sewage sludge mono-incineration projects at existing sites of the client in East Germany. Calculation of potential sewage sludge amounts after implementation of sewage sludge ordinance (AbfKlärV) and fertiliser ordinance (DümV) in different scenarios.


Site-specific market analysis on biowaste in selected target areas
Client: finance company/municipal infrastructure operator
Site-specific analysis of production and forecast of biowaste amounts. Evaluation of current and future ways of disposal, by individual disposal areas. Competitive analysis at local level as well as calculation of possible acquisitions. Development of a price model for biowaste fermentation in Germany.

Evaluation of the market for thermal waste recovery in Poland
Client: industry
Evaluation of the market for thermal waste recovery in Poland. Modelling and forecasting the quantity of future waste amounts and disposal capacities on the national level and in the client’s target region. Model based on the analysis of regional waste management plans and assessment of political and legal framework. Prognosis of gate fees.


Waste to Energy 2017/2018
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the plant and operator market for thermal waste treatment plants around the world. Description of more than 2,150 plants worldwide, including technical data und contact addresses. Evaluation of facilities, that are planned, financed or under construction.. Assessment of the current and future market volume based on the environmental legislation as well as economic, operational and technical trends. Assessment of the market volume for each country until 2026.


The European Market for mechanical biological waste treatment
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the European market for mechanical biological waste treatment (MBT). Collection of information on 520 plastic sorting plants in Europe, including technical data and contact addresses. Valid estimation of the future market development by country, based on a transparent methodology.


Biogas to Energy – The World Market for Biogas Plants
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the worldwide plant and operator market for biogas plants. Description of more than 7,300 plants, including technical data und contact addresses. Evaluation of over 770 facilities, that are planned, financed or under construction. Country-specific assessment of the current and future market volume until 2025, based on the energy legislation as well as economic, operational and technical trends.


Analysis of and strategy consulting on the anaerobic digestion of biowaste in Germany
Client: industry
Analysis of current state of separate biowaste collection and biowaste amounts in 8 federal states, at level of administrative districts. Calculating the potential of possible biowaste amounts if mandatory separate collection was implemented, in different scenarios. Selection of sites (at level of administrative districts) eligible for a biowaste AD project.


Analysis of taxation of fossil energy sources for heat production in the industrial sector
Client: industry
Analysis of how the production of heat from fossil energy sources is taxed for energy-intensive companies, in 13 selected European countries. Description of exceptional regulations and tax reliefs in proportion to biomass taxation. Development of a ranking of maximum taxation and possible tax exemptions by country.


Biomass to Power 2016/2017 – The World Market for Biomass Power Plants
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the worldwide plant and operator market for biomass power plants. Description of more than 3,200 plants, including technical data. Evaluation of over 1,050 facilities that are planned, financed or under construction. Assessment of current and future market volumes, based on the energy legislation and the market shares of operators and plant manufacturers. Presentation of economic, managerial and technical trends and forecast of market volume by 2025 by country.


Analysis of the German market for sewage sludge mono-incineration 
Client: financial company/municipal infrastructure operator
Analysis of market environment, evaluation of sales planning and long-term prospects of a sewage sludge mono-incineration project. Calculation of potential sewage sludge amounts considering different scenarios under the implementation of the Sewage Sludge Ordinance (AbfKlärV) and the Fertiliser Ordinance (DümV).


Sewage sludge monitoring
Client: financial company/municipal infrastructure operator
Monthly analysis of European tenders (public tenders) on sewage sludge projects in Germany. Summary and description of awarded disposal contracts, including disposal prices, contracted amounts and winning bidders.


Analysis of technologies for phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge
Client: financial company/municipal infrastructure operator
Analysis of different technologies for phosphorus recovery from process water, sewage sludge and sewage sludge ash. Assessment of the technologies’ and processes’ future market potentials, considering the specifications under the planned amendment of the German Sewage Sludge Ordinance (AbfKlärV). Identification of the most important players in the phosphorus recovery market and companies with potential to enter this market.


The RDF market in France
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the French market for the thermal utilisation of refuse-derived fuels (RDF). Detailed analysis of the French legislation for waste management and renewable energies, analysis of any relevant waste streams, outlook on the future RDF production, identification and description of almost 700 potential facilities and projects that produce RDF or where RDF undergoes thermal recovery.


Database services for plant manufacturers
Client: industry
Continuous cooperation on the company´s database und strategy consulting in the area of biomass-based generation of electricity. Presentation and analysis of operators, plant manufacturers as well as active and planned biomass power plants around the world. Generation of evaluative country profiles.


waste & bio Infrastructure Monitor
Client: multi-client
Weekly monitoring and summary of news on the worldwide waste and bioenergy markets. Evaluation of current and project-related information from waste magazines and other information sources in different languages. The published news items are in English and presented in a well-structured way.


Analysis of the European market for coal power plant conversions
Client: industry
Analysis of existing European coal power plants, considering a potential conversion into biomass mono-incineration mode. Development of national profiles and forecasts, taking into account national legislation as well as other factors.


Waste to Energy 2016/2017
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the plant and operator market for thermal waste treatment plants around the world.. Description of more than 2,150 plants worldwide, including technical data und contact addresses. Evaluation of facilities, that are planned, financed or under construction.. Assessment of the current and future market volume based on the environmental legislation as well as economic, operational and technical trends. Assessment of the market volume for each country until 2025.


Biomass to Power 2015/2016 – The World Market for Biomass Power Plants
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the worldwide plant and operator market for biomass power plants. Description of more than 2,900 plants, including technical data. Evaluation of over 1,000 facilities that are planned, financed or under construction. Assessment of current and future market volumes, based on the energy legislation and the market shares of operators and plant manufacturers. Presentation of economic, managerial and technical trends and forecast of market volume by 2024 by country.


Waste to Energy 2015/2016 – Technologies, plants, projects, players and backgrounds of the global thermal waste treatment business
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the international plant manufacturer and operator market for thermal waste treatment plants. Description of the around 2,100 existing plants worldwide, including technical data and contact addresses. Evaluation of facilities that are planned, financed or under construction. Assessment of current and future market volumes, based on environmental legislation as well as economic, managerial and technical trends. Forecast of market volume by country by 2024.


The European market for plastic sorting and recycling
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the European market for plastic sorting and recycling. Collection of information on 1,200 plastic sorting plants in Europe, including technical data and contact addresses. Valid estimation of the future market development by country, based on a transparent methodology.


Due diligence operator of Waste-to-Energy plants
Client: operator of municipal infrastructure
Due diligence for an operator of Waste-to-Energy plants in Europe. Analysis of market environment, development trends and competitive context including assessment of opportunities and risks. Analysis of IM, VDD as well as internal anticipation and contract data. Forecast of future revenues by 2033 based on different scenarios in terms of amounts, competition and prices within the framework of a superordinate model for calculating value. Attendance and moderation of negotiations.


Strategy consulting for short-term and long-term business approach in the biogas sector
Client: industry
Preparation and implementation of a strategy workshop. Strategy consulting for short-term and long-term business approach for the German and the international biogas market.


Analysis of the Polish market for thermal waste recovery
Client: waste infrastructure operator
Analysis of the Polish waste management system in terms of structures, legal framework and its amendments, current and planned infrastructure projects, competitors and market shares. Development of a material flow model for recovering, treating disposing of municipal, commercial and industrial waste for the reference years 2013, 2018 and 2022.


Support for finding financial institutions for the bioenergy sector
Client: industry
Research and selection of appropriate financial institutions for financing companies in the bioenergy/biotechnology sector. Contacting these institutions, explaining the framework conditions and arranging first meetings with potential investors.


Accompanying negotiations with biogas plant operators and manufacturers
Client: industry
Contacting selected biogas plant operators and manufacturers. Arranging first meetings and attending them. Instruction and presentation of the negotiations between the client and the operators/manufacturers. Systematic analysis and evaluation of these negotiations.


Strategy meeting environmental markets
Client: industry
Preparation and execution of a strategy meeting. Discussing additional sales potentials along the value-added chain and in geographical terms in established water management, waste recovery and electricity generation from biomass markets.


Analysis of the German operator and manufacturer market for biogas plants
Client: industry
Description and analysis of the German operators, plant manufacturers and the supply industry for biogas plants that are mainly using organic waste as feedstock. Systematic evaluation and assessment of these companies according to the client’s need. Strategic advisory of the client during the selection process.


The Market for Biowaste AD Plants in Europe
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the European operator and plant market for biogas plants using municipal and industrial organic waste as feedstock. Description of the currently around 780 active biowaste AD plants and over 150 new construction projects. Analysis of structures of costs and revenues. Execution of an exemplary project planning. Analysis and description of the most important operators and plant manufacturers. Forecast of current and future (for the next 10 years) market volume by country.


Waste to Biogas – The European Market for the Fermentation of Organic Waste
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the European operator and plant market for biogas plants using municipal and industrial organic waste as feedstock. Description of the currently around 780 active biowaste AD plants and over 150 new construction projects. Analysis of structures of costs and revenues. Execution of an exemplary project planning. Analysis and description of the most important operators and plant manufacturers. Forecast of current and future (for the next 10 years) market volume by country.


Biomass to Power 2014/2015 – The World Market for Biomass Power Plants
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the worldwide plant and operator market for biomass power plants. Description of more than 2,700 plants, including technical data. Evaluation of over 900 facilities that are planned, financed or under construction. Assessment of current and future market volumes, based on the energy legislation and the market shares of operators and plant manufacturers. Presentation of economic, managerial and technical trends and forecast of market volume by 2023 by country.


Waste to Energy 2014/2015 – The World Market for Waste Incineration Plants
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the international waste incineration plant manufacturer and operator market. Description of the around 2,000 existing plants worldwide, including technical data and contact addresses. Evaluation of facilities that are planned, financed or under construction. Assessment of current and future market volumes, based on environmental legislation as well as economic, managerial and technical trends. Forecast of market volume by country by 2023.


Glass factories under the Industrial Emissions Directive
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the market for modernisation and adjustment measures at European glass industry sites. Description of over 420 glass factories in Europe falling under the criteria of the Industrial Emissions Directive, including technical data and contact addresses, by site. Valid assessment of future investment volumes by country. Overview of the most important plant technology and cost structures of the glass industry.


Biogas Plants in France – Market and Site Potentials
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the French market for biogas plants and biogas plant operators. Description of the currently active around 230 biogas plants as well as 100 projects for new biogas facilities. Analysis of the biomass material flows suitable for fermentation, by quantity and source. Evaluation of over 900 potential sites for biogas plants; in terms of number of employees, these potential sites are located at the largest agricultural enterprises and at companies of the food and beverages industry.


Development and maintenance of CHP database
Client: multi-client
Regular collection and evaluation of existing and potential CHP plant sites in selected industrial sectors within the framework of Germany’s largest CHP database. Evaluation of heat demand and energy consumption by industrial sector. Analysis of more than 900 production locations of large companies in terms of existing CHP plants. Analysis and presentation of the results with a geographic information system. Estimation of CHP potentials in different industrial sectors and enterprise sizes.


The European Market for Wastewater Treatment Plants
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the market for the new construction, modernisation and maintenance of municipal wastewater treatment plants in the European Economic Area (EEA). Collection of characteristics of over 7,000 wastewater treatment plants with individual capacities of at least 15,000 population equivalents. Analysis of nationwide capacities in different capacity categories and market shares of existing providers. Analysis of technical and operational trends and forecast of market volumes by country by 2017.


Biomass to Energy 2013/2014 – The Worldwide Market for Biomass Power Plants
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the worldwide plant and operator market for biomass power plants. Presentation of more than 2,350 plants including technical characteristics. Evaluation of over 930 plants that are currently being planned, financed or under construction. Estimation of current and future market volumes based on energy legislation and the market shares of operators and plant manufacturers. Description of economic, operational and technical trends and estimation of market volumes by country by 2020.


Waste to Energy 2013/2014 – The Worldwide Market for Waste Incineration Plants
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the worldwide plant and operator market for waste incineration. Presentation of the around 1,150 plants existing worldwide, including technical characteristics and contact addresses. Evaluation of plants currently being planned, financed or under construction. Estimation of current and future market volumes based on environmental legislation as well as on economic, operational and technical trends. Estimation of market volumes by country by 2017.


The World Market for Pumped-Storage Power Plants
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the worldwide plant and operator market for pumped-storage power plants, including all important political, economic, operational and technical trends. Collection of information on around 350 pumped-storage power plants with a capacity of at least 10 MW and of about 250 planned new plants. Analysis of the most important characteristics of the market for pumped-storage power plants on the level of individual EU member states. Forecast of number of plants and market volumes by country by 2020.


Analysis of the thermal waste recovery market in the Czech Republic
Client: waste infrastructure operator
Analysis of the thermal waste recovery market in the Czech Republic. Evaluation of legal regulations and plannings, responsibilities, waste amounts, disposal institutions and existing plants. Overview of existing projects as well as their implementation status and participating actors.


CHP locations and potentials in the food industry
Client: multi-client
Analysis of existing and potential locations for CHP plants in production companies of the food industry in Germany. Evaluation of heat demand and energy consumption of 17 industrial sectors. Examination of 625 production locations of large enterprises in terms of existing CHP plants. Analysis and presentation of the results with a geographic information system. Estimation of CHP potentials in different industrial sectors and enterprise sizes.


Potential sites for generating electricity from solid biomass in Poland
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the Polish market for electricity generation from biomass. Analysis of the essential biomass material flows, such as waste wood, residual forestry wood, wood from landscape maintenance and agricultural residues. Examination of origins, amounts and market prices by material flow. Description and analysis of the currently existing mono-incineration and co-incineration plants. Analysis of favourable locations against the backdrop of prospectively increasing feed-in tariffs.

Biogas to Energy 2012/2013 – The Worldwide Market for Biogas Plants
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the worldwide operator and plant market for biogas plants. Description of more than 3,000 plants with an installed capacity of 500 kW or more including technical and operational data. Evaluation of more than 590 planned and approved plants and plants under construction (> 500 kW). Prognosis of market volume for each country on the basis of market drivers, national legislations as well as technical and operational trends.

The market for unconventional natural gas in Europe – chances and risks in individual countries
Client: pro bono
Analysis of the European market for unconventional natural gas with a focus on hydraulic fracturing/fracking. By directly comparing Germany, Poland, the United Kingdom and Ukraine, we have analysed the legal, economic and natural preconditions in these countries. We have also identified and analysed the active players in the industry and the existing licensing.

Analysis of prices of commercial waste for energy recovery in Germany
Client: disposal company
Analysis of the essential structures and developments in the German market for energy recovery from commercial waste. The study focused on the analysis of prices for the energy recovery from commercial waste.

Biomass to Energy 2012/2013 – The Worldwide Market for Biomass Power Plants
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the worldwide operator and plant market for biomass power plants. Description of more than 2,200 plants including technical and operational data. Evaluation of more than 870 planned and approved plants and plants under construction. Prognosis of market volume for each country on the basis of market drivers, national legislations and technical and operational trends.

Market Report on the Biowaste Bin in Germany
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the market for the separate collection and recovery of organic waste from private households in Germany. Maps and detailed data concerning about 900 collection and more than 600 recovery contracts. A list of more than 200 upcoming awardings, description of waste amounts on the level of counties and municipal associations in Germany. Evaluation and description of more than 230 composting and 70 anaerobic digestion plants for the recovery of biowaste.

Database service for plant manufacturers
Client: industry
Continuous database collaboration and strategic advisory in the sector of electricity generation from biomass. Description and analysis of operators, plant manufacturers as well as active and planned biomass power plants throughout the world. Elaboration of evaluative country profiles.

Due diligence operator of Waste-to-Energy plants
Client: operator of municipal infrastructure
Due diligence for an operator of Waste-to-Energy plants in Europe. Analysis of market environment, development trends and competitive context including assessment of opportunities and risks. Analysis of IM, VDD as well as internal anticipation and contract data. Forecast of future revenues by 2030 based on different scenarios in terms of amounts, competition and prices within the framework of a superordinate model for calculating value. Attendance and moderation of negotiations.

Waste to Energy 2012/2013 - The Worldwide Market for Waste Incineration Plants
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the worldwide operator and plant market for wte plants. Description of more than 1,100 plants including technical and operational data. Evaluation of planned and approved plants and plants under construction. Prognosis of market volume for each country on the basis of market drivers, national legislations as well as technical and operational trends.

The German Market for Electricity and Gas Concessions
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the German market for the awarding of electricity and gas grids concessions. Analysis on the basis of municipalities with information on expiration and concessionaires for more than 12,300 concession contracts. Assessment of how the awarding of concessions will develop in each federal state and on national level by 2025. Information on all distribution network operators in Germany with group affiliation.

Analysis of industrial CHP plants in Europe
Client: industry
Description and analysis of the current status of CHP use in various industries in Europe by countries as well as of their development potentials.

The market for coal power plants in Europe
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the European operator and plant market for coal power plants. Description of more than 330 coal power plants with around 900 coal power plant units including technical and operational data. Evaluation of planned and approved plants and plants under construction. Prognosis of market volume for each country on the basis of market drivers as well as economical, technical and operational trends.

Biofuels in Europe - The European market for biofuel plants
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the European operator and plant market for biofuel plants. Description of more than 380 biofuel plants including technical and operational data. Evaluation of planned and approved plants and plants under construction. Prognosis of market volume for each country on the basis of market drivers as well as economical, technical and operational trends.

Offshore wind power plants in Europe
Client: pro bono
Analysis and evaluation of European development plans for offshore wind power plants in Europe. Description of more than 40 offshore wind farms with a capacity of about 4 GW. Presentation of 320 planned projects with a capacity of about 150 GW. Description of subsidisation schemes in the individual European countries and review of the subsidisations’ efficiency on the basis of a selected methodology.

Analysis of UK’s market for matured timber
Client: energy provider
Forecast of amounts, prices, clients and competition in the market of thermal recovery of matured timber, especially against the background of a possible co-incineration in coal-fired power plants. Analysis of material streams, legislation and subsidies, technical feasibility of co-firing as well as current and future projects and capacities. We outsourced parts of the project to a local subcontractor.

The market for gas power plants in Europe
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the European operator and plant market for gas power plants on the basis of political, economic, operational and technical trends in the energy industry in general and the natural gas market in particular. Evaluation and description of more than 480 gas power plants, including essential technical data. Presentation of the most important features of the market for gas power plants based on individual country data.

The market for mechanical biological waste treatment plants in Europe
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the European market for mechanical biological treatment (MBT) plants for processing and treating municipal solid waste. Description of the existing plants and estimation of the market for new construction of MBT facilities. Analysis of technical and managerial trends as well as forecast of market volumes up to 2016 by countries.

Assisting the strategic development of the biomass business
Client: industry
Analysis of operators, applications, technologies, amounts and capacities pertaining to the European biomass power plant asset, including modelling and evaluation of foreign markets.

Market analysis for waste treatment in Poland
Client: industry
Analysis of the Polish waste treatment market, including amount of waste, structure of waste collection, waste processing, waste treatment and waste disposal. This also included a provider analysis as well as a competition analysis in the segments described, furthermore an evaluation of the legal framework for the installation of a waste treatment infrastructure, and what is more, an interpretation of planning on a national level as well as concerning selected municipalities.

Market analysis for waste treatment in Switzerland
Client: industry
Analysis of the Swiss waste treatment market, including amount of waste, structure of waste collection, waste processing, waste treatment and waste disposal. This also included a provider analysis as well as a competition analysis in the segments described, furthermore an evaluation of the legal framework for the installation of a waste treatment infrastructure, and what is more, an interpretation of planning on a national level as well as concerning selected municipalities.

The waste treatment market in Slovenia
Client: industry
Analysis of the Slovenian waste treatment market, including amount of waste, structure of waste collection, waste processing, waste treatment and waste disposal. This also included a provider analysis as well as a competition analysis in the segments described, furthermore an evaluation of the legal framework for the installation of a waste treatment infrastructure, and what is more, an interpretation of planning on a national level as well as concerning selected municipalities.

Market study on the worldwide market for waste incineration plants
Costumer: multi-client
Analysis of the worldwide market for municipal solid waste incineration plants. Estimation of the markets for new construction, modernisation and maintenance. Description of the number of existing plants, analysis of the national capacities and planned projects as well as market shares of plant manufacturers. Analysis of technical and managerial trends and forecast of market volumes up to 2016 by countries.

The worldwide market for biomass power plants
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the worldwide investment and operator market for biomass power plants, based on political, economical, operational and technical trends in the energetic utilization of biomass. Evaluation and presentation of more than 1200 biomass power plants with a capacity of at least 0,1 MWel, including essential technical data. Presentation of the most important features of the market for biomass power plants concerning the respective foreign markets.

Analysis of the German biomethane market
Client: energy provider
This study helps positioning an energy provider on the German biomethane market. For this purpose, a scenario analysis prognosticating the biomethane market until 2025 was made. The most important market criteria were therefore identified and analyzed regarding their potential impact. The data base of the asset of bio-methane installations as well as of new construction projects served as an additional basis for the prognosis. Besides the pattern of competition, the operational characteristics of the market participants were also examined. By means of this analysis and the scenario analysis, the margins were prognosticated until 2025.

The market for pumped-storage power plants in Europe
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the European investment and operator market for pumped-storage power plants. Featuring all the essential political, economical, operational and technical trends. Presentation of all pumped-storage power plants with a capacity of at least 10 MW, including substantial technical data and contact addresses. Presentation of the most important characteristics of the market for pumped-storage power plants concerning the respective EU Member States. Prognosis on installation asset and market volumes per country until 2015.

Due diligence on energy-from-waste technology provider
Costumer: private equity
Due diligence on an industrial provider in the sector of thermal waste treatment on behalf of a potential buyer. Assessment of the market environment, competitive situation and internal planning data as well as critical evaluation of the offered technology compared to commercially available solutions.

The metal recycling market in Europe
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the European market for shredder plants treating and processing metallic wastes. Examination of secondary raw materials regarding prices, amounts and plant manufacturers’ competitor shares. Presentation of the most important features of the shredder plant market concerning the respective foreign markets.

Analysis of the municipal solid waste market in Southern Germany
Costumer: energy provider, operator of waste infrastructure
Analysis of the disposal market for municipal solid waste in Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate. The evaluation focussed on waste amounts, contracting periods, existing infrastructure and market shares.

Market study on thermal waste treatment providers in Germany
Costumer: operator of waste infrastructure
Overview of companies providing capacities of thermal waste treatment in Germany.

The municipal waste market in the United Kingdom
Client: multi-client
Analysis and presentation of the municipal waste collection and disposal market in the United Kingdom, including amounts of waste, existing as well as projected treatment plants, technical and operational trends, share of privatization, competitor shares per region, furthermore evaluation of the future development of the market.

Industrial sewage plants in Germany
Client: multi-client
Structural analysis of industrial sewage purification in Germany. Determination of investment power for new construction, modernization and renovation. Identification of the biggest plants in industrial sewage treatment in Germany, including essential technical and operational data.

Assistance consulting for biomass power plants
Client: disposal company
Assisting an operator of a biomass power plant with application in the context of a project serving completion of the plant.

Market study on the worldwide market for waste incineration plants
Costumer: multi-client
Analysis of the worldwide market for municipal solid waste incineration plants. Estimation of the markets for new construction, modernisation and maintenance. Description of the number of existing plants, analysis of the national capacities and planned projects as well as market shares of plant manufacturers. Analysis of technical and managerial trends and forecast of market volumes up to 2015 by countries.

Market study on biomass power plants in Europe
Costumer: multi-client
Analysis of the European operator and plant market for biomass power plants, based on the political, economic, managerial and technical trends in the field of using biomass for energy recovery.  Evaluation and description of more than 400 biomass power plants with a capacity of at least 1 MWel, including essential technical data. Description of the most important characteristics of the market for biomass power plants by countries.

Market study on concessions of natural gas grids in Germany
Costumer: multi-client
Analysis and description of the German market for concessions of natural gas grids. Description of all the distribution network operators with structural data of the grids as well as of the concessions of the individual grid areas. Forecast of the awardings of concessions up to 2015. Analysis of the competitive structures.

Market study on biogas plants in Europe
Costumer: multi-client
Analysis of the European operator and plant market for biogas plants with all the essential political, economic, managerial and technical trends in the field of biogas production. Description of biogas plants with a capacity of at least 500 kWel, including essential technical data and contact addresses. Description of the most important characteristics of the biogas plant market by EU countries. Forecast of the number of plants and the market volume up to 2015.

Assistance on a waste-to-energy project in Argentina
Costumer: infrastructure operator, Argentina
Analysis of the worldwide market for municipal solid waste incineration plants, with reference to existing plants, capacities, technologies, costs and project development. Support of project development in Argentina.


Market study on concessions of electricity grids in Germany
Costumer: multi-client
Analysis of the German market for the awarding of electricity grids concession contracts. Analysis on municipal level with information on more than 5,200 contracts. Estimation of the development of the awarding of concessions by federal states and on national level. Information on all the distribution network operators in Germany with the most important structure characteristics of the grid areas.

The waste management market in Germany
Client: multi-client
Analysis of the waste management industry in Germany. Cartographical material and detailed data regarding more than 2500 disposal relationships in the following segments: residual waste, organic waste, PPK (used paper, cardboard, cardboard packaging) and LVP (lightweight packaging), including a list of more than 600 known assignments within the next 5 years. Presentation of the most important amounts of waste on a municipal level, furthermore detailed information concerning the approximately 120 MVAs (waste incineration plants), MBAs (mechanical biological treatment plants) and ESB (solid recovered fuel) power plants, including operators and competitor shares.

The waste management market in Italy
Duration: December 2008 - August 200Client: multi-client
Analysis and presentation of the municipal waste collection and disposal market in Italy, including amounts of waste, existing as well as projected treatment plants, technical and operational trends, share of privatization, competitor shares per region, furthermore evaluation of the future development of the market.

Initiation of a cooperation in the field of biomass waste incineration
Costumer: operator waste infrastructure
Support in finding a partner for the extension of a biomass waste incineration plant. This included the identification and acquisition of such a partner, preparation of documents for the evaluation of the existing infrastructure as well as the support of the cooperation negotiations.

Analysis of the market for municipal waste management in China
Costumer: multi-client
Analysis of the state of development and investment needs in Chinese waste management. Inquiry, analysis and presentation of the responsible institutions for waste administration, collection and disposal in the 100 largest Chinese cities, including essential information on waste amounts and waste fees. Description of more than 120 known investment projects and analysis of the most important waste disposal companies.

Analysis of gate fees in the Russian waste incineration market
Costumer: manufacturer waste infrastructure
Analysis of gate fees and acceptance criteria in chosen waste incineration plants in Russia in regard to the planning of an additional plant in the city of Moscow.

Analysis of the development of maize silage prices in Germany
Costumer: energy provider
Research of the market factors for the development of maize silage prices in biogas plants in Germany. We identified the most important short-term and long-term trends that will influence the prices in the next years. Additionally, the price situation was analysed and identified by federal state.  

Evaluation of the market for thermal waste treatment in the USA and Canada
Costumer: operator waste infrastructure
Analysis of the market for thermal waste treatment in the USA and Canada according to the evaluation of the legal framework for waste incineration, development of waste amounts, responsibilities within the waste sector, major waste management companies, existing waste treatment plants and gate fees.

The market for waste water disposal in Germany
Costumer: multi-client
Analysis of the German operator and disposer market in the field of waste water disposal.  Particulars on more than 500 operators of sewerage systems in cities and municipalities with more than 25,000 inhabitants and on almost 600 waste water treatment plants with a minimum capacity of 50,000 population equivalents. Estimation of the current and future investments and privatisations based on political, demographical, operational and technical trends.

Evaluation of the market for thermal waste treatment in the Czech Republic
Costumer: operator waste infrastructure
Analysis of the market for thermal waste treatment in the Czech Republic according to the evaluation of the legal framework for waste incineration, development of waste amounts, responsibilities within the waste sector, major waste management companies, existing waste treatment plants and gate fees.

Analysis of the independent medium-sized disposal companies in the UK
Costumer: operator waste infrastructure
Analysis of regional disposal companies in the UK, including the research of chosen characteristics and the affiliated groups.

Evaluation of the market for thermal waste treatment in the Ukraine
Costumer: operator waste infrastructure
Analysis of the market for thermal waste treatment in the Ukraine according to the evaluation of the legal framework for waste incineration, development of waste amounts, responsibilities within the waste sector, major waste management companies, existing waste treatment plants and gate fees.

Analysis of vacant landfill capacities in Germany
Costumer: disposal company
The focus of the project was the enquiry and analysis of the waste disposal company structure in the federal states. The important characteristics and the contact addresses were researched for the individual landfills. With this data we identified and analysed the short-term and long-term trends in the field of landfilling in the federal states. In doing so, we determined the essential strategies for future strategic orientations.

Evaluation of the market for thermal waste treatment in the United Kingdom
Costumer: operator waste infrastructure
Analysis of the market for thermal waste treatment in the United Kingdom according to the evaluation of the legal framework for waste incineration, development of waste amounts, responsibilities within the waste sector, major waste management companies, existing waste treatment plants and gate fees.

Evaluation of the market for thermal waste treatment in Italy
Costumer: operator waste infrastructure
Analysis of the market for thermal waste treatment in Italy according to the evaluation of the legal framework for waste incineration, development of waste amounts, responsibilities within the waste sector, major waste management companies, existing waste treatment plants and gate fees.

Analysis of the market for the disposal of animal byproducts in new EU Member States
Costumer: disposal company
Analysis of legal frameworks, technologies and the amounts of animal byproducts to be disposed  in chosen East-European EU Member States. Research of market actors, including the groups to which the companies belong and the market shares on the level of processing companies and in the field of disposal.

Analysis of disposal possibilities of a shredded light fraction
Costumer: disposal company
Analysis of the structure of German disposal companies with regard to waste incineration plants, refuse derived fuel power plants and cement mills for the disposal of a processed shredded light fraction. Selection of technically and logistically adequate locations, contact to and support of the negotiations with the plant operators.

Analysis of the market for the disposal of animal byproducts in Germany, France and Ireland
Costumer: disposal company
Analysis of legal frameworks, technologies and amounts of animal byproducts to be disposed in Germany, France and Ireland. Research of market actors, including the groups to which the companies belong on the level of processing companies and in the field of disposal.