Strategy consulting market entry O&M market
Client: Technology provider
Analysis of the markets for different power plant types, for instance waste-to-energy, gas or sewage sludge. Forecast of future market volume. Survey of the current share of Operation & Maintenance (O&M) projects. Analysis of significant market factors and assessment of future market activity. Competition analysis including identification of potential targets.
Assisting the strategic development of the biomass business
Client: industry
Analysis of operators, applications, technologies, amounts and capacities pertaining to the European biomass power plant asset, including modelling and evaluation of foreign markets.
Analysis of and strategy consulting on the anaerobic digestion of biowaste in North Germany
Client: disposal company
Analysis of current state of separate biowaste collection and biowaste amounts in 4 federal states, at level of administrative districts. Calculating the potential of possible biowaste amounts if mandatory separate collection was implemented, in different scenarios. Analysis of tendering periods, ongoing plans and competitive situation. Development of going to market strategies. Selection of appropriate sites and potential cooperation partners (at level of administrative districts) eligible for a biowaste AD project.
Analysis of taxation of fossil energy sources for heat production in the industrial sector
Client: industry
Analysis of how the production of heat from fossil energy sources is taxed for energy-intensive companies, in 13 selected European countries. Description of exceptional regulations and tax reliefs in proportion to biomass taxation. Development of a ranking of maximum taxation and possible tax exemptions by country.
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