ecoprog / Fraunhofer UMSICHT

Market Study Industrial Sewage Plants Germany

Germany is the largest European market for industrial waste water treatment – there are almost 3,000 treatment plants in nearly 12,000 discharging companies within the manufacturing industry in Germany. The country treats more than 920 million cubic metres of industrial wastewater per year before discharging it into the environment or the public sewerage. The pollution loads vary considerably – in contrast to municipal wastewater treatment. They reflect the German industrial structure, which is to some extent very heterogeneous.

Due to the established industrial structure, the construction of new treatment plants is limited. However, there will still be sustainable investments in the wastewater treatment within the industry in the coming five years – as a consequence of stricter legal requirements, like the EU Water Framework Directive, and the increasing cost pressure due to rising energy costs.

In the light of this development, ecoprog and Fraunhofer UMSICHT analysed the German industrial sewage plants in detail. In doing so, we did not only use our own market knowledge. The study also includes findings of public consultations, of authorities, business associations and companies within the sector of water management.

Thus, we offer an up-to-date analysis of figures, facts, estimations and trends in the sector of operating companies within the industrial wastewater treatment in Germany, which is of interest for disposal companies, suppliers, operators, business associations, research institutes and consultants.

The “Market Study Industrial Sewage Plants Germany” includes:

  • A description of the extent, structure and branch mix in the sector of industrial wastewater treatment in Germany
  • A detailed analysis of all essential political, economic, managerial and technical trends in operating industrial sewage plants in Germany
  • An analysis of the particular allocation of treatment plants and their industrial structures on the level of the German federal states
  • The presentation and description of almost 400 industrial sewage plants in Germany, mostly including essential technical data, like capacities, industry sector, treatment technology and contact addresses. These plants represent approximately 50% of the industrial wastewater treatment in Germany.

The study is available in English and German language starting from 1,800.(plus VAT, if applicable). Customers of our w&b Monitor will receive a discount starting at 600.– EUR.


Mark Döing
ecoprog GmbH
+49 221 788 03 88-11

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 Press release

