ecoprog GmbH

Trend Study Waste-to-Fuel

In many cases, electrically powered vehicles will be used for decarbonising the mobility sector. Wherever electromobility will not work in the foreseeable future, e.g. for aviation or shipping, sustainable fuels will be needed.

For the time being, most sustainable fuels are based on biomass. However, those are finite and increasingly criticised, even from an ecological point of view – examples are "plate or tank" discussions and the destruction of primary forests. 

Producing fuels from waste instead could make a significant contribution in this regard. Such a production promises the use of biomass (and to some extent of plastic, as well) after its original economic purpose has been fulfilled. As a result of this promise, there are numerous efforts to enable such a production of fuels both in technical and economic terms.

With our new trend study, ecoprog has analysed such waste fuels.

Specifically, the Trend Study Waste-to-Fuel includes:

  • A description of the essential technologies and functionalities of the production of waste fuels.
  • An analysis of the most important market factors as well as a fundamental discussion of the waste streams that could be used.
  • An evaluation and presentation of around 60 plants and projects worldwide, including a description of the market participants, capacities, input material, and fuel to be produced (if known).


The study does not evaluate: biogas and biomethane from the anaerobic digestion of organic waste, hydrogen and e-fuels from electrolysis, as well as renewable fuels from residues, oils, and fats.

The study is available in English and German language starting from 1,600.– € (plus VAT, if applicable). Customers of our w&b Monitor receive a discount starting from 600.– €.



Johannes Eich

ecoprog GmbH

+49 221 788 03 88 17


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